Contact us

Mailing address

Magnetic Resonance Engineering Laboratory
Division of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Hokkaido University
North 14, West 9, Kita-ku
Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0814

Offices and Phone numbers

Hiroshi Hirata, Ph.D., Professor
Office M-207
Phone & Fax +81-11-706-6762
E-mail: hhirata *at* ist *dot* hokudai *dot* ac *dot* jp

Shingo Matsumoto, Ph.D., Associate Professor
smatsumoto *at* ist *dot* hokudai *dot* ac *dot* jp
Phone 011-706-6789
Fax: 011-706-6802

Ikuya Nishimura, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Office M-253
Phone & Fax +81-11-706-6589
E-mail mura *at* bme *dot* ist *dot* hokudai *dot* ac *dot* jp

(At the beginning, "81" is the country code of Japan for international phone calls. For domestic calls, "+81-11" should be replaced by "011".)

Directions and campus map

Hokkaido is the name of the formost north island of Japan. Hokkaido University is located in Sapporo, the capital city of Hokkadio. Sapporo has a population of 1.9 Millions, and is the biggest city in northern Japan. From Sapporo station to the main gate of Hokkaido University, it takes about 5 minuts by foot. However, you will take another 15 minuts by foot to reach the cluster of the buldings for School of Engineering and Graduate School of Information Science and Technology. Our laboratory is located in the second floor of the building-M. The subway is avairable in Sapporo. If you will take a subway, Kita 12-jo station of Namboku Line is close to the Kita 13-jo gate of the campus. You may find the details of the directions and information of the campus and Sapporo in the following links.