【Symposium】GI-CoRE GSQ, GSB & IGM Joint Symposium

Hokkaido University’s three institutes – Global Station for Quantum Medical Science and Technology (GSQ); Global Station for Big Data and Cybersecurity (GSB), and Institute for Genetic Medicine (IGM) – will jointly host a symposium focusing on interdisciplinary research in Quantum Medicine and Informatics.

The first day of the symposium will feature two parallel sessions: the three institutes’ joint session titled “Quantum, Informatics, Biology & Medicine,” and a graduate lecture session titled “Radiation Biology School for Graduate Students.”

Two sessions are scheduled for the second day; one is the session titled “Quantum, Biology and Medicine,” and the other titled “Big-data Analysis and IoT.” Those sessions will be held concurrently at: Faculty of Medicine, and Graduate School of Information Science and Technology.

Program is available here.