Books Published

Papers where “GI-CoRE” is stated as an affiliated institution of a Japanese or overseas researcher, or those mentioning “Hokkaido University” in the acknowledgements, are marked with a “ * (asterisk)” and the applicable author name is underlined.
*i) Papers where “GI-CoRE” is stated as an affiliated institution
*ii) Papers which mention “Hokkaido University” in the acknowledgements.

Journals in English published by Japanese publishers are listed as “International Journals”.
[JP] Japanese Publishers
[OV] Overseas Publishers
[Proc] International Conference Proceedings

Collaborative papers between HU and overseas GI-CoRE members are marked with “@GI-CoRE”.

  1. Convertino M and Valverde JL, “Critical Values: Collective Information and Decision Analytics”, 2019, proposed to Springer Series ‘’Risk Governance and Society’’, in review [OV] [Books in review]
  2. Travis D., Convertino M., Shaffer C., Gillespie T., Alpern J., Stauffer W., Robertson C., Kennedy S., Craft M., “Biodiversity and Health, Engineering Ecosystem Heath via Science and Technology”, in ‘’Beyond One Health”, Editors: Herrmann JA and Johnson-Walker YJ, John Wiley Sons, 2018 [OV][Books]
  3. 長田直樹, “進化で読み解く バイオインフォマティクス入門” 森北出版(2019).[Books]
  4. 有村 博紀, “系列マイニング”, 人工知能学大事典, 人工知能学会編, 6章-99節, pp. 469-472, 共立出版, Jul. 2017. [Books]