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What are the goals of the Course of Electronics for Informatics?

Advances in information science and technology such as the Internet, smartphone, AI, and quantum cryptography have been driven by innovation in hardware technology such as new materials and devices and in software and information processing technologies that can make full use of that hardware. This course conducts comprehensive and integrated research of new materials needed by next-generation information processing systems, new-concept devices based on new integration structures and principles, and circuits, architecture, and hardware-oriented software that incorporate the inherent qualities of such devices.

Course of Electronics for Informatics

What education is provided?

A major feature of this course is the way it promotes and applies advanced research and education in a comprehensive and integrated manner, targeting new materials, next-generation devices, circuits, and architecture, and supporting information processing technologies. This course provides a curriculum that aims to provide students with a broad range of knowledge and research abilities covering materials for electronics, process technology, device technology, electronic-circuit technology, information-processing technology, and information-communication technology as a foundation for advanced scientific research. It also provides full support from the teaching staff for research in master’s theses and doctoral dissertations. This highly diverse research and education program aims to develop professionals who excel in creative thinking and execution abilities and who can create new paths in science and technology while being leading forces in R&D and industry.

Major curriculum

Integrated System,Semiconductor Device Physics,Integrated Material Processing,Solid State Physics for Electronics,Physics of Electron Device,Advanced Optoelectronics,Photonic Information System,Applied devices and circuits,Advanced Electronic Materials,Physics and Mathematics for Electrical Engineering

What research activities are under way?

The Course of Electronics for Informatics features the creation and development of innovative hardware technology that will become the foundation for information and communication processing systems for future generations. The main research fields are the comprehensive research and development of materials, devices, circuits, architectures, software, and optical and terahertz network systems; the creation of nanostructures, nanomaterials and other new material groups; the development of new electronic and optical devices using quantum phenomena; the development of functional electronic and optical circuits and integrated systems using various devices; and hardware, software integrated technologies for information processing architectures and logic design towards development of next-generation information-processing systems.

Research Filed

Solid state physics, Optical properties of semiconductors and related topics, Quantum materials science, Physics of semiconductor nanoscale electron devices, Advanced optoelectronic devices, Applied devices and circuits, Quantum device engineering, Integrated material processing, Advanced electronic materials, Integrated information processing, Photonic information system, System applications of LSIs, Digital communication systems, Quantum Information Science

What characteristics do the research groups have?

The Course of Electronics for Informatics has three research groups. The Research Group of Integrated Systems Engineering pursues comprehensive research concerning new integrated information processing systems. The Research Group of Advanced Electronics turns to the creation of electronic and optical devices based on new principles and research into applied technologies for circuits and systems. The Research Group of Quantum Electronics and Informatics consists of laboratories belonging to the Research Center for Integrated Quantum Electronics and the Research Institute for Electronic Science, and aims to create new electronics for quantum informatics based on the principles of quantum mechanics.

Research Group of Integrated Systems

Research content

  • R&D on future hardware-software crossover LSIs
  • Design and development of novel intelligent LSIs (AI and neuromorphic LSIs)
  • R&D on high-performance nanowire-based electron and optical devices
  • Photo-electric information conversion system using integrated nano-materials such as a quantum dot

Research Group of Advanced Electronics

Research content

  • Research on novel devices involving the use of electron spin for information communication electronics
  • Development of atomic- and spin-resolution measurement technology and novel functional sensor devices
  • Novel optical information processing and communication technology involving the use of quantum mechanical behavior and the coherency of light
  • Development of ultra-low-power nano-devices and analysis of phenomena occurring in the device by direct observation

Research Center for Integrated Quantum Electronics

Research content

  • Research and development of advanced electronic materials, nanoscale control of heterointerface, and their application to novel devices
  • Research and development of nature- and bio-inspired semiconductor nanoprocess and electron devices
  • Advanced functional circuits and devices for next generation communications and sensing

Research Institute for Electronic Science

Research content

  • Research on functional thin film materials toward the realization of both advanced energy materials and novel devices such as optical-, electrical-, and magnetic-devices
  • Nanotechnology for control of electrons/photons and related application to quantum information communication