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What are the goals of the Course of Media and Network Technologies?

Technology to integrate communication with computers as symbolized by the Internet plays a pivotal role in the information revolution supporting modern society. The Course of Media and Network Technologies aims to study new methods of information media expression and processing such as those for image・video・acoustic and music signal and natural language applications, establish high-speed ubiquitous network theories using radio waves and light to convey information, and create new technologies, with the ultimate goal of upgrading information media technologies for future generations and revolutionizing business processes and lifestyles.

Course of Media and Network Technologies

What education is provided?

The Course of Media and Network Technologies strives to develop human resources that in the near future will lead research and development as well as industrial promotion in both software and hardware fields with regard to advanced technologies, in accordance with the modes of information and social diversification. The Course offers advanced graduate education in three specialized fields - communication network technology, computer technology and information media technologies, and produces engineers who will lead research and development in cutting-edge technologies for the near future.

Major curriculum

Natural language processing, Media creation methodology, Media representation theory, Computer graphics, Network systems, Wireless transmission and EMC, Photonic network, Adaptive communications, Complex systems modeling, Ubiquitous network, Media network sociology

What research activities are under way?

Research and development are under way concerning the methodology, environments, systems and devices of accurate and smooth high-speed communication, ubiquitous computer networks through the integration of communication and computers, and diverse information media according to social conditions, in a world in which computers are integrated into information communication networks, and inter-human communication, communication between mankind and computers, and inter-computer communication is seamlessly integrated.

Research Filed

Advanced application of information media, Information expression, processing and conversion technologies, Information communication technologies, Ubiquitous information media

What characteristics do the research groups have?

The Course of Media and Network Technologies comprises four research groups. The Research Group of Information Media Science and Technology steps up research into the basic principles and application of information communication in diverse information media, image・video・acoustic and music signal processing, media creation and conversion, human interfaces, intellectual property rights protection techniques, natural language processing, computer graphics, spatial information processing, e-learning and so forth. The Research Group of Information Communication Systems focuses its attention on conducting comprehensive research and education regarding new elemental technologies and their design methods, in terms of both hardware and software, for the purpose of constructing information communication systems that will serve as the infrastructure of advanced information-oriented society. The research group also engages in research on the sophistication of information communication systems, network and broadband technologies, photonics, mobile technologies and environmental electromagnetic engineering.

* The Research Group of Ubiquitous Networks and the Research Group of Media Network Sociology are industry-university collaborative research groups.

Research Group of Information Media Science and Technology

Research content

Natural language processing, Content generation techniques, Imaging media technology, Media expression methods, Media processing technologies, Information media equipment, Computer graphics

Research Group of Information Communication Systems

Research content

Smart info-media systems, System-on-silicon, Wireless media systems, Electromagnetic environment science, Optical fiber science, Optical communications systems, Advanced wireless communication, Mobile communications

Research Group of Ubiquitous Network

Collaborative research group with the NTT Information Sharing Laboratory Group and NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory Group

Research content

Ubiquitous access networks, Broadband applications, Interface media systems, Audio-visual interfaces

Research Group of Media Network Sociology

Collaborative research group with the Research and Development Division of NTT DoCoMo, Inc.

Research content

Mobile communication, Wireless technology, 5G, Non-terrestrial network

Collaborative Center for Big data and IoT(CCB)

Collaborative Center for Big data and IoT(CCB):
University of Technology Sydney

Research content

Wireless Communications, Networks, Cybersecurity, Digital Signal Processing