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Digital Geometry Processing Lab.

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2024年度 イベント Events

キャンパスクリーンデー (Campus Cleanup Day)  (May. 15th, 2024)


We participated in Campus Cleanup Day and picked up trash around the IST Building.

campus celan day

新メンバ (New member)  (May. 8th, 2024)

インターンシップ生のClus Baptisteさんが研究室に加わりました.約3か月の滞在です.

Mr. Clus Baptiste joined our laboratory as internship student.

フォーラム展示 (Forum)  (May. 7-8th, 2024)


Mr. Yamada and Assoc. Professor Date were attended Spar2024J held at Tokyo and made poster presentation and software demonstrations.

新メンバ (New members)  (Apr. 3rd, 2024)


Four master course students joined our laboratory.