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Digital Geometry Processing Lab.

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2018年度 イベント Events

卒業・修了式 (Graduation ceremony)  (Mar. 25th, 2019)


One doctor course student, one master course student and four undergraduates completed their degrees. Congratulations! Farewell party was held and lab's members enjoyed delicious "jingisukan", short speeches from students, and conversations.

精密工学会春季大会 (JSPE Conference) (Mar. 13-15th, 2019)


Seven students attended JSPE spring conference held at Tokyo Denki University, and made research presentations.

jspe conf

受賞 (Award) (Mar. 5th, 2019)


氏名: 森谷亮太
職名(または受賞時の学年): 博士1年 
授与団体:一般社団法人 日本写真測量学会北海道支部
賞名: 日本写真測量学会北海道支部 平成30年度学術講演会 優秀発表賞
 SfM-MVS による効率的で高品質なas-is モデル生成のための最適撮影計画

Ryota Moritani (DC1) was awarded a "Best Presentation Award" from Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Hokkaido Branch. Congratulations!

修士論文発表会  (Master thesis)(Feb. 13th, 2019)


  • 金山 拓也「市街地MMS計測点群からの建物の高精度セグメンテーションと拡張LODモデリング」

A master course 2nd-degree student made presentations of his master thesis.

  • Takuya Kanayama "Accurate Segmentation and Extended LOD Modeling of Buildings from MMS Point Clouds of Urban Area"

卒業論文発表会  (Undergraduate thesis)(Feb. 12th, 2019)


  • 阿久津 啓「多重撮影画像の平均化とコントラスト強調による低テクスチャ物体のSfM-MVS再構成モデルの品質改善」
  • 石川 哲朗「レーザー計測に基づく屋内空間as-built CFD解析のための解析格子自動生成」
  • 今井 心一朗「複数TLS点群からのテクスチャ付ポリゴン生成」
  • 木村 兼造「計測品質に基づく異姿勢X線CT計測メッシュの高品質合成に関する研究」

Four undergraduate students made presentations of their undergraduate thesis.
  • Kei Akutsu "Quality improvement of SfM-MVS reconstructed models of weakly-textured objects using multi-shot image averaging and contrast enhancement"
  • Tetsuro Ishikawa "Automatic cartesian grid generation for as-built CFD analysis based on laser scanning"
  • Shinichiro Imai "Generation of Textured polygons from multiple TLS point clouds"
  • Kenzo Kimura "A Study on High-quality Integration of X-ray CT Scan Meshes from Different Poses based on Scan Quality"

博士論文公聴会  (Dissertation Defense) (Jan. 28th, 2018)


  • 浦田昇尚 "鋳肌面・機械加工面認識と最適計測計画に基づく鋳造品の高品質リバースエンジニアリングの研究"

A dissertation defense of a doctor course student, Mr. Urata was held. He explained a lot of meaningful results of his research.

  • Akihisa Urata "A study of high-quality reverse engineering of castings based on casting and machining surface recognition and optimized 3D scan planning"

受賞 (Award) (Nov. 14th, 2018)


氏名:Satoshi Kanai, Hideki Sudo, Terufumi Kokabu, Hiroshi Nagaeda, Takayuki Hayashi, Hajime Ohta
授与団体: ICPE 2018 Conference Committe
受賞名: Best Paper Award
受賞講演名: 3D Asymmetry Analysis of Human’s Back Surface for Early Screening of Idiopathic Scoliosis
受賞年月日: 2018年11月14日

Prof. Kanai was awarded a "Best Paper Prize" from ICPE2018 Conference Committe for the research paper entitled  3D Asymmetry Analysis of Human’s Back Surface for Early Screening of Idiopathic Scoliosis in Nov. 14th, 2018. Congratulations!

ICPE2018 (International Conference) (Nov. 13-15th, 2018)

金井教授,MC2金山君そして9月博士号を取得したOBの脇坂氏が,鎌倉プリンスホテルで行われたICPE2018(International Conference on Precision Engineering)に参加して,研究発表を行いました.バンケットでは伝統の?三味線の演奏を楽しみました.

Prof. Kanai, Mr. Wakisaka (OB) and Mr. Kanayama (MC2) attended ICPE2018 held at Kamakura Prince Hodel, and made research presentations. They enjoyed the shamisen performances in the conference banquet.

new member

ACDDE2018 (International Conference) (Nov. 1st-2nd, 2018)

沖縄読谷村の残波岬ロイヤルホテルで行われたACDDE2018(Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering)で伊達准教授が研究発表を行いました.

Associate Prof. Date made a presentation in ACDDE2018 held at Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel, Yomitan, Okinawa.

受賞 (Award) (Oct. 27th, 2018)


氏名:高橋 勇斗
授与団体: 精密工学会北海道支部
受賞名: 2018年度精密工学会北海道支部 優秀プレゼンテーション賞
受賞講演名: レーザ計測点群からの規則性を考慮した屋内環境モデリング
受賞年月日: 2018年10月27日

Mr. Takahashi (MC1) was awarded a "Best Presentation Prize" from Japan Society for Precision Engineering Hokkaido Branch for their research in Oct 27th, 2018. Congratulations!

精密工学会北海道支部会  (JSPE Hokkaido Branch) (Oct. 27th, 2018)


Two doctor course student and four master course students made poster presentations of their researches at 2018 Japan Society for Precision Engineering Hokkaido branch meeting held at Hokkaido Joho University.

点群処理専門委員会 (Seminar)  (Oct. 25th, 2018)


Mr. Moritani and Mr. Kanayama made a presentation of SfM/MVS model improvement and building modeling from MMS point clouds in a seminar of JSPE Technical Committee, held at Takeda Hall, Tokyo University.

new member

歓迎会 (Welcome party)  (Oct. 23rd, 2018)


Welcome party for Mr. Honma and new 3rd grade students was held at laboratory. We enjoyed the party until midnight.

new member

新メンバー (New members) (Oct. 16th, 2018)


Four new young students joined our laboratory.

新メンバー (New member) (Oct.1st, 2018)


Mr. Ryohei Honma from Asia Air Survey joined our laboratory as a doctor course student.

博士号取得 (PhD) (Sep. 25th, 2018)


Mr. Wakisaka from Shinryo Corp. got a Ph.D in information science. Congratulations!! Farewell party was held and we enjoyed delicious foods, drinks, and funny Akutsu-kun.

new member
インターンシップ成果発表 (Presentation) (Sep.21st, 2018)

長瀬君がインターンシップの成果発表を行いました.SfMにおいて,生成されるモデル品質を下げずに,使用する写真の枚数を減らして処理時間を短縮するための手法の成果について発表しました. 夜は送別会を実施しました.

Mr. Nagase made a presentation of the results of his internship. He developed a method for selecting images useful for 3D reconstruction by SfM. In the evening, we held his farewell party at IROHANIHOHETO near the sapporo station.

新メンバー (New member) (Sep.11th, 2018)


Mr. Nagase from National Institute of Technology, Asahikawa College joined our laboratory as a short-term internship student. His research theme is a view selection in the SfM, and the duration of the internship is about two weeks.

精密工学会秋季大会 (JSPE Meeting) (Sep.5-7th, 2018)

博士課程3年浦田君,1年森谷君,修士課程2年金山君の3名が,函館アリーナで開催された精密工学会秋季大会に参加しました. 浦田君は1日目に発表できましたが,北海道胆振東部地震により2,3日目の退会が中止となったため,残りの2名は残念ながら発表できませんでした.研究室への地震の影響は湯飲みが一つ落ちて割れた程度で,幸いにも大きな被害なくすみました.お見舞いの連絡をくれました皆様,どうもありがとうございました.

Three doctor and master course students attended the JSPE fall conference held at Hakodate arena. Unfortunately, the 2nd and 3rd days of the conference were canceled due to the Hokkaido Iburi Tohbu earthquake. The damage of the earthquake in the laboratory was very small, one cup was broken.

点群処理専門委員会 (Seminar)  (Aug. 8th, 2018)


Mr. Moritani made a presentation of registration and modeling of laser-scanned point clouds of plants in a seminar of JSPE Technical Committee, held at Centennial Hall, Hokkaido University.

博士論文公聴会  (Dissertation Defense) (Aug. 2nd, 2018)

社会人博士3年生の脇坂氏の博士論文公聴会が行われました.博士論文タイトルは「プラント改修向けas-builtモデル構築のための地上型レーザスキャナの最適配置計画」です. 公聴会では,研究内容に加えプレゼン資料の見易さや分かりやすさなど,参加した学生は沢山のことを学びました.


Dissertation defenses of Mr. Wakisaka was held. The title of his research is "Optimal placement of a terrestrial laser scanner for as-built modeling for plant renovation. In the evening, Mr. Wakisaka and Lab members went to a beer garden in Hokkaido University (MIDORINO BEERGARDEN) and enjoyed talking with beers.

受賞  (Award) (Jul. 9th, 2018)


氏名: Ryota Moritani, Satoshi Kanai, Hiroaki Date, Masahiro Watanabe, Takahiro Nakano, Yuta Yaamuchi
授与団体: CAD Conference Committee
受賞名: Best Paper Award
受賞講演名: 「Cylinder-based efficient and robust registration and model fitting of laser-scanned point clouds for as-built modeling piping sistem」 受賞年月日: 2018年 7月9日

Ryota Morinita was awarded the "Best Paper Award" from CAD'18 Committee for his paper in July 9th, 2018. Congratulations!

CAD18  (International Conference)  (Jul. 9-11th, 2018)


Mr. Urata (DC3) and Mr. Moritani (DC1) attended CAD'18 conference held at Paris, France. Mr. Urata made a presentation of rapid reverse engineering of castings and Mr. Moritani gave a presentation of registration and modeling of laser-scanned point clouds of piping systems.

受賞  (Award) (Jul. 1st, 2018)


氏名: 森谷亮太
授与団体: (社)精密工学会
受賞名: 全国大会ベストプレゼンテーション賞
受賞講演名: 「円筒オブジェクト一致制約を利用したプラント配管系等レーザスキャン点群データの高精度レジストレーション(第4報)」 受賞年月日: 2018年 3月17日

Ryota Morinita was awarded the "Best Presentation Prize" from Japan Society for Precision Engineering for his research presentation in Mar. 17th, 2018. Congratulations!

ICCCBE2018 (International Conference)  (Jun. 5-7th, 2018)


Professor Kanai attended ICCCBE2008 held at Finland, and made a presentation of automated recognition and 3D CAD modeling of standardized steel bridge members in a laser scan.

new member

ISPRS TC2 SYMPSIUM  (International Conference)  (Jun. 4-7th, 2018)

伊達准教授が,イタリアのRiva del Gardaで開催されたISPRS TC2 SYMPOSIUMに参加して,点群レジストレーションの研究発表を行いました.

Associate Professor Date attended ISPRS TC2 SYMPOSIUM 2008 held in Riva del Garda, Italy, and made a poster presentation of point cloud registraion.

SparJ出展 (Forum Exhibition)  (May. 22-23rd, 2018)

今年も川崎市産業振興会館にて開催されたSPAR2018J 第14回3次元計測フォーラムにて,研究室の研究紹介とデモを行いました.今年はDC1森谷君とB4三上君が説明員として参加しました.

Mr. Moritani and Mr. Mikami demonstrated our researches on laser scanned point cloud processing in SparJ 2018, held at Kawasaki.

new member

ジンパ (BBQ party)  (May 11th, 2018)


We enjoyed Lab's Jinpa (BBQ Party) with conversations and discussions until late at night together with Digital Systems and Environments Lab. It was nice weather.

新メンバ (New members)  (Apr. 2nd, 2018)

高石君,高橋君,山岡さん,FAUZI君の4名が新修士1年生として研究室に配属となりました.また,フランスからの特別聴講学生としてOLLANDO Raphael君が加わりました.

Four master course students and one internship student from France joined our laboratory.