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Digital Geometry Processing Lab.

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2021年度 イベント Events

追いコン (Farewell Party)  (Mar. 28th, 2022)

We had the online farewell party for Mr.Ohno, Mr. Shimohaza, and Mr. Tsubooka.

受賞  (Awards)  (Mar. 24th, 2022)


Mr. Yoshida and Mr. Ohno were awarded "The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan Hokkaido Branch Award" and ”SICE Outstanding Student Award” from The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers. Congratulations!


卒業・修了式  (Graduation ceremony)  (Mar. 24th, 2022)


Three master course students and four undergraduates completed their degrees. Congratulations!


精密春季大会 (JSPE Meeting)  (Mar. 17th, 2022)

One doctor course student and five master course students attended the JSPE spring meeting online (Zoom live). We wolud like to thank audiences for many valuable questions and comments.

受賞 (Award) (Mar. 15th, 2021)


氏名:吉田 元輝
授与団体: 写真測量学会北海道支部
受賞名: 令和3年度学術講演会優秀発表賞
受賞講演名: 高品質・高能率なSfM/MVS再構成のための最適撮影計画支援システム
受賞年月日: 2022年3月15日

Mr. Yoshida (UG) was awarded a "Best Presentation Prize" from Japan Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Hokkaido Branch for his presentation in March 15th, 2022. Congratulations!

写真測量学会北海道支部大会 (JSPRS Hokkaido Meeting)  (Mar. 15th, 2022)

Mr.Tsubooka (MC2) and Mr. Yoshida (UG) made research presenations at the 40th meeting of JSPRS Hokkaido branch. The meeting was held by hybrid style (online and face-to-face).

ご退職   (Mar. 9th, 2022)

Ms.Miyao (secretary) is leaving our laboratory because of the contract expires. Thank you very much for about 3 years.

修論発表会 (Master Thesis Presenatation)  (Feb. 9th, 2022)

  • 大野 健太 「大規模環境3次元レーザ計測支援のための点群重畳表示に関する研究」
  • 下はざ 渉 「橋梁構造物3次元モデル自動生成のための深層学習に基づく点群セグメンテーションとプリミティブ寸法推定」
  • 坪岡 航平 「キーフレーム選択による動画からのSfM-MVS再構成処理の効率化」

Three master course students made online presentations of their master's thesis.

  • Kenta Ohno ”Study on point cloud superimposition for supporting three-dimensional laser scanning of large-scale environments”
  • Wataru Shimohaza ”Point Cloud Segmentation based on Deep Learning and Primitive Size Estimation for Automatic 3D Bridge Structure Model Generation”
  • Kohei Tsubo-oka ”Improving Efficiency of Video-based SfM-MVS Reconstruction by Keyframe Selection”

卒論発表会 (Undergraduate Thesis Presentation)  (Feb. 7th, 2022)

  • 後藤仁彦 「ヘッドマウント3Dスキャナを用いた屋内環境再構成に関する研究」
  • 守屋遼輔 「グラフニューラルネットワークを用いた境界表現モデル上の形状特徴認識技術の開発」
  • 秋山理穂 「レーザ計測点群を用いた天井面付属設備の高精度・高能率自動抽出」
  • 吉田元輝 「高品質・高能率なSfM/MVS再構成のための最適撮影計画支援システム」

Four undergraduate studens made Zoom online presentations of their graduation thesis.

  • Norihiko Goto ”A Study on Reconstruction of Indoor Environments using a Head-mounted 3D Scanner”
  • Ryosuke Moriya "Development of Feature Recognition Method on Boundary Representation Model using Graph Neural Network"
  • Riho Akiyama "Accurate and efficient automatic recognition of ceiling-mounted equipment from laser-scanned point clouds"
  • Genki Yoshida "The optimal view planning system for high quality and efficient SfM / MVS reconstruction"

Spar-J online  (Forum) (Nov. 30th, 2021)

We introduced our researches on point cloud processing and SfM/MVS of large scale environments at Spar-J online.

歓迎会&祝賀会 (Welcome party and celebration) (Nov. 19th, 2021)

Welcome party for new undergraduate students and a PhD celebration for Mr. Takashiwa were held on Zoom online.

博士論文公聴会  (Dissertation Defense) (Nov. 1st, 2021)

Dissertation defenses of Mr. Takashima was held. The title of his thesis is "Development of 3d feature recognition technology using discrete geometory representation for automatic CAE model generation".

受賞 (Award) (Oct. 30th, 2021)


氏名:坪岡 航平
授与団体: 精密工学会北海道支部
受賞名: 2021年度精密工学会北海道支部 優秀プレゼンテーション賞
受賞講演名: 動画からのキーフレーム選択によるSfM-MVS再構築処理の効率化(第2報)-最適キーフレーム選択パラメータの検討
受賞年月日: 2021年10月30日

Mr. Tsubooka (MC2) was awarded a "Best Presentation Prize" from Japan Society for Precision Engineering Hokkaido Branch for his presentation in Oct. 30th, 2021. Congratulations!

精密工学会北海道支部大会 (JSPE Hokkaido Branch)  (Oct. 30th, 2021)

Five master course students made presentations of their researches at 2021 Japan Society for Precision Engineering Hokkaido branch meeting online.

新メンバー (New members)  (Oct. 15th, 2021)

Four new young students joined our laboratory.

精密工学会秋季大会 (JSPE Meeting)  (Sep. 21-23th, 2021)

One doctor course student and four master course students made presentations of their researches at 2021 Japan Society for Precision Engineering meeting online.

卒論テーマ決定 (Thesis Themes)  (May. 10th, 2021)

Themes of theses for four undergraduate students were determined. Do your best for excellent achievements!

新メンバ (New members)  (Apr. 1st, 2021)


Two master course students joined our laboratory.