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Digital Geometry Processing Lab.

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2016年度 イベント Events

卒業・修了式  (Graduation ceremony)  (Mar. 23rd, 2017)


Two doctor course students, four master course students and four undergraduates completed their degrees. Congratulations! Farewell party was held and lab's members enjoyed delicious foods including raw oysters, presentataion of souvenirs, speeches from students, and conversations.

精密工学会春季大会  (JSPE Meeting) (Mar.13-15th, 2017)


Eight master course students and three doctor course students made presentations of their researches at 2017 JSPE spring meeting held at Keio University.

new member

点群処理専門委員会  (Seminar)  (Mar. 10th, 2017)


Mr. Maruyama made a presentation about his research on the accessibility evaluation of large-scale environment utilizing human behavior simulation and 3D scanning technology, in a seminar of the JSPE Technical Committee.

修士論文発表会  (Master thesis)(Feb. 13th, 2017)


  • 木村 仁美「局所点群レジストレーションに基づく心内膜の3次元運動解析と評価」
  • 角 太樹「点群投影画像を用いた大規模環境複数レーザ計測点群のロバスト・効率的位置合わせ」
  • 鳴海 晶也「Manhattan-World仮説に基づくレーザ計測点群からの矩形・円形断面混在配管系統の自動認識」
  • 峯後 俊秀「市街地MMS計測点群のセマンティックセグメンテーションと建物LODモデリング」

Four master course 2nd-degree students made presentations of their master thesis.

  • Satomi Kimura "3D analysis of regional endocardial motion using local point cloud registration"
  • Taiki Sumi "Robust and Efficient Automatic Registration of Multiple Laser Scanned Point Clouds of Large-Scale Environments using Point Projection Images"
  • Masaya Narumi "Automatic recognition of piping systems with rectangular and circular sections from laser scanned point clouds based on Manhattan-world assumption"
  • Toshihide Mineushiro "Semantic Segmentation and LOD Modeling of Buildings for Point Clouds of Urban Environments acquired by MMS"

卒業論文発表会 (Undergraduate thesis)(Feb. 10th, 2017)


  • 曽我 友貴「Structure-from-Motionによるモデル生成のためのNext-Best-View推定アルゴリズムの研究」
  • 中井 義明「八分木とefficient-RANSACを用いた配管系統レーザ計測向け最適スキャナ配置計画の効率化」
  • 畠田 進佑「メッシュ変換と四面体メッシュ変形を用いた六面体メッシュの形状変形に関する研究」
  • 横山 尊一「直線エッジを用いた橋梁のレーザ計測点群とSfMメッシュの自動レジストレーション」

Four undergraduate students made presentations of their undergraduate thesis.

  • Yuki Soga "A Study on algorithm of the Next-Best-View for generating Structure-from-Motion Models"
  • Yoshiaki Nakai "Streamlining the optimum planning of laser scanner layouts for piping systems using octree and efficient-RANSAC"
  • Shinsuke Hatakeda "A Study on Shape Deformation of Hexahedral Meshes using Mesh Conversion and Tetrahedral Mesh Deformation"
  • Takahito Yokoyama "Automatic Registration of Laser-Scanned Point Clouds and SfM Meshes of Bridges using Straight-Line Edges"

博士論文公聴会  (Dissertation Defense) (Jan. 26th, 2017)


  • 前濱宏樹 "Dimension-Driven Deformation and Adaptation of Finite Element Meshes for Efficient Computer Aided Engineering"
  • 丸山翼 "Development of virtual accessibility evaluation system by combining digital human models with 3-dimensional as-is environment models"

Dissertation defenses of two doctor course students, Mr. Maehama and Mr. Maruyama were held. They explained a lot of meaningful results of their researches.

  • Hiroki Maehama "Dimension-Driven Deformation and Adaptation of Finite Element Meshes for Efficient Computer Aided Engineering"
  • Tsubasa Maruyama "Development of virtual accessibility evaluation system by combining digital human models with 3-dimensional as-is environment models"

忘年会  (End year Party) (Dec. 21st, 2016)


End-year party of our lab. was held at Korean Restaurant. We enjoyed "all you can drink and eat" and ate various foods.

A-DEWS2016  (Workshop) (Dec. 12th, 2016)

博士課程1年生の浦田君が大阪大学で開催されたA-DEWS2016 (Asia Design Engineering Workshop)に参加し,鋳造品の迅速リバースエンジニアリングに関する研究発表を行いました.本技術は,鋳造品の表面を粗さに基づいて鋳肌面と機械加工面に分離し,効率よくモデリングするものです.

Mr. Urata (DC1) attended A-DEWS(Asia Design Engineering Workshop 2016) held at Osaka University, and made a presentation of his research about rapid reverse engineering of castings based on surface separation using rougness estimation.

new member

共同研究成果  (Achievement of Collaborative Project) (Nov. 7th, 2016)

詳しくは  http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/news/161107_med_pr.pdf

The achievenment of the collaborative project with Graduate School of Medicine of Hokkaido Univercity are presented at the press release of Hokkaido University.
The detail is shown in http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/news/161107_med_pr.pdf (in Japanese)

ACDDE2016  (International Conference) (Oct. 26-27th, 2016)

博士3年の前濱君と伊達准教授がACDDE(Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering)に参加して,解析用メッシュ処理と点群処理の研究発表を行いました.開催場所は済州島でした.

Mr. Maehama and associate professor Date attended ACDDE2016 and made research presentations about mesh editing and point cloud processing. The conference was held in Jeju, Korea.

new member
新メンバー  (New members) (Oct. 21st, 2016)


Four new young students joined our laboratory.

精密工学会秋季大会  (JSPE meeting) (Sep.6-8th, 2016)


Mr. Maruyama, Mr. Urata and Mr. Sumi attended JSPE fall conference held at Ibaraki University.

設計工学会 支部大会  (JSDE hokkaido) (Sep. 3rd, 2016)


Mr. Maehama (DC3) made a research presentation in JSDE hokkaido meeting held at Hokkaido University of Science.

精密工学会北海道支部会  (JSPE Hokkaido Branch) (Aug. 27th, 2016)


Three doctor course students and eight master course students made poster presentations of their researches at 2016 Japan Society for Precision Engineering Hokkaido branch meeting held at Taisetsu Crystal Hall in Asahikawa. We got a lot of useful advice and comments related to our researches

new member

ASME IDETC/CIE2016  (International Conference) (Aug. 21-24th, 2016)

アメリカのCharlotteで開催された国際会議ASMEIDETC/CIE(International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers & Information in Engineering Conference)に,博士課程3年生の丸山君が参加して,SfMメッシュとディジタルヒューマンを利用した環境内経路探索シミュレーションに関する研究発表を行いました.

Mr. Maruyama attended ASME IDETC/CIE (International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers & Information in Engineering Conference) held at Charlotte (USA) and made a research presentation of wayfinding simulation of digital human model in 3D scanned environments.

ICCCBE2016  (International Conference) (Jul. 6-9th, 2016)

大阪で開催された国際会議ICCCBE(International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering)2016に修士2年生の鳴海君が参加して,研究発表を行いました.

Mr. Narumi attended ICCCBE2016 (International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering) held at Osaka and made a research presentation of point cloud-based 3d modeling.

運動会  (Sports meeting)  (Jun. 24th, 2016)


Three members participated in the sports meeting of the engineering faculty. They had a tug-of-war, but our team lost in the first game.

new member

レーザ計測  (Laser Scanning)  (Jun. 15th, 2016)

福島県へ遠征して,橋梁のレーザ計測を行いました.写真はFARO Focus 3Dの計測ならなんでもお任せの角君.

3D Laser scanning of a tall bridge was performed in Fukushima.

new member
SparJ出展  (Forum Exhibition)  (Jun. 1-2nd, 2016)

今年も川崎市産業振興会館にて開催されたSPAR2016J 第12回3次元計測フォーラムにて,研究室の研究紹介とデモを行いました.今年はDC3丸山君とMC1森谷君が説明員として参加しました.

Mr. Maruyama (DC3) and Mr. Moritani (MC1) demonstrated our researches on laser scanned point cloud processing in SparJ 2016, held at Kawasaki.

new member

ジンパ  (BBQ party)  (May 20th, 2016)


We enjoyed Lab's Jinpa (BBQ Party) with international students until late at night. It was unusually nice weather.

歓迎会  (Welcome party)  (Apr. 11th, 2016)


Welcome party for Mr. Hirosawa, Mr. Takashima and Ms. Takahashi was held at a Japanese-style bar near the Sapporo station.

new member

歓迎会  (Welcome party)  (Apr. 5th, 2016)


Welcome party for international students with Applied Electromagnetics Lab. and Intelligent Robots and Systems Lab. was held.

新メンバ  (New members)  (Apr. 1st, 2016)

加藤君,橋川君,廣澤君(室蘭工業大学出身),森谷君の4名が新修士1年生として研究室に配属となりました.また,社会人博士課程の高嶋氏と秘書の高橋さん,フランスからの特別聴講生のAntoine Laffitte君が研究室メンバーに加わりました.

Four master course students, one doctor course student, one secretary and one international student from France joined our laboratory.