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Digital Geometry Processing Lab.

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2019年度 イベント Events

受賞 (Award) (Mar. 18th, 2020)


氏名:金山 拓也
授与団体: 公益社団法人 精密工学会
受賞名: 精密工学会研究奨励賞
受賞講演名: Segmentation and LOD Model Generation of Buildings from MMS Point Clouds of Urban Area
受賞年月日: 2020年3月18日

Mr. Kanayama (OB) was awarded the "JSPE Research Encouragement Award" from the Japan Society for Precision Engineering for his journal paper in Mar. 18th, 2020. Congratulations!

修士論文発表会  (Master thesis)(Feb. 13th, 2020)


  • 高石 一平「形状記述子とその分類に基づいたFEMメッシュ生成向け形状特徴の抽出」
  • 髙橋 勇斗「レーザ計測点群からの規則性を考慮した屋内環境自動モデリング」
  • Fauzi Ahmad Ridwan「Facial expression generation of the patient model with projection mapping for the nurse training simulator」
  • 山岡 茉莉「Functional Mappingを用いた三角形メッシュモデルの非剛体レジストレーションに関する研究」

Four master course 2nd-degree students made presentations of their master thesis.

  • Ippei Takaishi "Feature Extraction for Finite Element Meshing based on Shape Descriptors and their Classifications "
  • Hayato Takahashi "Automatic Indoor Environment Modeling with Regular Arrangements from Laser-Scanned Point Clouds"
  • Fauzi Ahmad Ridwan "Facial expression generation of the patient model with projection mapping for the nurse training simulator"
  • Mari Yamaoka "Non-rigid Registration of Triangular Mesh Models with Functional Mapping"

卒業論文発表会  (Undergraduate thesis)(Feb. 10th, 2020)


  • 滝澤 慶招「3次元レーザ計測点群の点品質推定と位置合わせへの応用」
  • 下はざ 渉「橋梁構造物パラメトリックモデル自動生成のための深層学習を用いたレーザ計測点群のPart Segmentationと分類」
  • 坪岡 航平「FMCWレーザ計測点群の検出強度波形に基づく高精度デノイジング」
  • 大野 健太「環境3次元レーザ計測支援のための実環境への点群重畳表示に関する研究」

Four undergraduate students made presentations of their undergraduate thesis.
  • Yoshiaki Takizawa「Estimation of point quality of 3D laser-scanned point clouds and its application to registration」
  • Wataru Shimohaza「Part segmentation and classification of laser-scanned point clouds using deep-learning for automatic generation of parametric models of bridge structures」
  • Kohei Tsubooka「Accurate denoising method for FMCW laser scanner based on wave intensity profiles」
  • Kenta Ohno「A study on point cloud superimposing display on real environments for supporting 3D laser-scanning of environments」

受賞 (Award) (Jan. 21st, 2020)


氏名: 山岡 茉莉
学年(受賞時): 修士2年
授与団体:公益社団法人 精密工学会
賞名:2019年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会 アドバンスト・ベストプレゼンテーション賞
研究題目名: Functional Mappingを用いた3次元形状間の非剛体マッチングの研究〜精緻化アルゴリズムによるマッチング精度の改善〜

氏名: 高橋 勇斗
学年(受賞時): 修士2年
授与団体:公益社団法人 精密工学会
賞名:2019年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会 ベストプレゼンテーション賞
研究題目名: レーザ計測点群からの規則性を考慮した屋内環境モデリング〜矩形境界認識に基づく屋内物体のモデリング〜

Ms. Mari Yamaoka (MC2) and Mr. Hayato Takahashi was awarded the "Advanced Best Presentation Award" and "Best Presentation Award"from Japan Society of Precision Engineering. Congratulations!

忘年会 (Year-end party)  (December 26th, 2019)


We held the year-end party of lab. We enjoyed Syabu-syabu, strange drinks, and conversations.

受賞 (Award) (Nov. 8th, 2019)


氏名:Hayato Takahashi, Hiroaki Date, Satoshi Kanai
授与団体: ICCBEI2019 Committee
受賞名: Best Paper Award Honorable Mention
受賞講演名: Automatic indoor environment modeling from laser-scanned point clouds using graph-based regular arrangement recognition
受賞年月日: 2019年11月8日

Mr. Takahashi (MC2) was awarded a "Best Paper Award Honorable Mention" from ICCBEI2019 committee in Nov. 8th, 2019. Congratulations!

ICCBEI (International Conference)  (November 7-8th, 2019)

仙台で開催された第4回ICCBEI2019(4th International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics)にて,MC2の高橋くんが参加し,TLS点群からの屋内環境の規則性を考慮した自動モデル化手法の研究発表を行いました.

Mr. Takahashi made a presentation of his research, automatic indoor environment modeling from TLS point clouds in an international conference, ICCBEI held at Sendai.


日本写真測量学会秋季大会 (JSPRS Meeting)  (November 7-8th, 2019)

広島で開催された日本写真測量学会秋季大会にて,DC2の森谷くん,本間さん,MC1の阿久津くん が参加し,SfM/MVS再構成モデル高品質化とMMS点群データ処理に関する研究発表を行いました.

Mr. Moritani,Mr. Honma, and Mr. Akutsu attended the JSPRS(Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) fall meeting held at Hiroshima. They made presenatations about quality improvement of SfM/MVS models, and MMS point cloud processing.


新メンバ (New member)  (Oct. 17th, 2019)


Three undergraduate students joined our laboratory!

新メンバ (New member)  (Oct. 1st, 2019)


Ms. Zhao joined our laboratory. She will stay one year.

精密工学会秋季大会 (JSPE Meeting)  (September 4th, 2019)


Mr. Moritani,Mr. Takahashi and Ms. Yamaoka attended the JSPE fall meeting held at Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu Campus. A local specialty, Unagi was very delicious (but expensive..).


受賞 (Award) (Aug. 31st, 2019)


氏名:阿久津 啓
授与団体: 精密工学会北海道支部
受賞名: 2019年度精密工学会北海道支部 優秀プレゼンテーション賞
受賞講演名: マッチングコストに応じたコントラスト改善画像の選択による低テクスチャ物体のSfM-MVS再構成モデル品質の向上
受賞年月日: 2019年8月31日

Mr. Akutsu (MC1) was awarded a "Best Presentation Prize" from Japan Society for Precision Engineering Hokkaido Branch for their research in Aug. 31st, 2019. Congratulations!

精密工学会北海道支部学術講演会 (JSPE Hokkaido Branch)  (August 31st, 2019)


One doctor course student and seven master course students made poster presentations of their researches at 2019 Japan Society for Precision Engineering Hokkaido branch meeting held in Hakodate.

jspe hokkaido

受賞 (Award) (June 27th, 2019)


氏名: 山岡 茉莉
学年(受賞時): 修士1年
授与団体:公益社団法人 精密工学会
賞名:2019年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会 ベストプレゼンテーション賞
研究題目名: メッシュのスペクトル分解とFunctional Mappingを用いた3次元形状の非剛体マッチングとその設計応用に関する研究

Ms. Mari Yamaoka (MC2) was awarded the "Best Presentation Award" from Japan Society of Precision Engineering. Congratulations!

SparJ出展 (Forum Exhibition)  (June 25-26th, 2019)


Mr. Moritani and Mr. Takahashi demonstrated our researches on laser scanned point cloud processing in SparJ2019 held at Kawasaki.


受賞 (Award) (June 24th, 2019)


氏名: Ippei Takaishi, Satoshi Kanaik, Hiroaki Date, Hideyoshi Takashima
授与団体: CAD Conference Committee
受賞名: Best Paper Award
受賞講演名: 「Free-form Feature Classification for Finite Element Meshing based on Shape Descriptors and Machine Learning」
受賞年月日: 2019年 6月24日

Ippei Takaishi (MC2) was awarded a "Best Conference Paper Award" from 16th Annual International CAD Conference. Congratulations!!

CAD19 (International Conference)  (June 24-26th, 2019)


Mr. Takaishi(MC2) attended CAD'19 held in Singapore, and made a presentation of form-feature recognition from CAD model of engineering parts.


GeoSpatial Week 2019 (International Conference)  (June 10-14th, 2019)

オランダのUniversity of Twente(エンスヘーデ)で開催されたGeospatial Week 2019に森谷くんと伊達准教授が参加して,研究発表を行ってきました.エンスヘーデは落ち着いた感じの小さな町でした.Deep learningの研究が多く見られました.現地でお世話になった皆様,ありがとうございました!

Mr. Moritani and Assoc. Prof. Date attended an international conference "Geospatial Week 2019" held at University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, and made poster presentations of their researches for high quality SfM/MVS model generation and accurate point cloud registration.

gsw 2019

ジンパ (BBQ party)  (May 30th, 2019)


We enjoyed Lab's Jinpa (BBQ Party) with conversations and discussions until late at night together with Digital Systems and Environments Lab. and Intelligence robot system Lab.

受賞 (Award) (Mar. 24th, 2019)


氏名: 森谷亮太
職名(または受賞時の学年): 博士2年 
授与団体:一般社団法人 日本写真測量学会
賞名: 日本写真測量学会学術講演会論文賞

Ryota Moritani (DC2) was awarded a "Best Conference Paper Award" from Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Congratulations!

写真測量学会年次学術講演会 (Domestic Conference)  (May 23rd-24th, 2019)


Mr. Moritani (DC2) attended a conference of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensising, held at Tokyo University. He made a presentation of a best photo-planning supporting system for efficient and quality as-is model generation by SfM/MVS technology.

歓迎会 (Welcome party)  (Apr. 23rd, 2019)


Welcome party for four internship students form France was held with System Environment lab and Robot lab. We enjoyed a lot of conversations until midnight.

卒論テーマ決定 (Thesis Themes)  (Apr. 15th, 2019)


Themes of theses for four undergraduate studens were determined. Do your best for excellent achievements!

新メンバ (New members)  (Apr. 1st, 2019)

阿久津君,今井君,石川君の3名が新修士1年生として研究室に配属となりました.また,フランスからの特別聴講学生としてGuitierrez Sylvain君,Rolland Noel君の2名が加わりました.

Three master course students and two internship students from France joined our laboratory.