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Digital Geometry Processing Lab.

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2013年度 イベント Events

受賞(Award) (Mar. 25th, 2014)


氏名: 前濱 宏樹
授与団体: (社)精密工学会 北海道支部
受賞名: 平成25年度精密工学会北海道支部学生奨励賞
受賞年月日: 2014年 3月25日

Hiroki Maehama was awarded the "Student Encouragement Prize" from Japan Society for Precision Engineering Hokkaido Branch Office for his school record and his research in Mar. 25th, 2014.

卒業・修了式(Graduation ceremony) (Mar. 25th, 2014)


Two doctor course 3rd degree students, five master course 2nd degree students and four undergraduates completed their degrees.


写真測量学会 北海道支部(JSPRS Hokkaido) (Mar. 24th, 2014)


Mr. Yoshimura, B4 student, made a presentation of his research at the 32th meeting of JSPRS Hokkaido brunch held at kaderu27.

精密工学会春季大会(JSPE Meeting) (Mar.18-20th, 2014)


Eight master course students and two doctor course students made presentations of their researches at 2014 JSPE spring meeting held at Tokyo University.

受賞(Award) (Feb. 13th, 2014)

International Journal of CAD/CAMへ掲載された謝君の下記論文がGaheon Award(The Best paper of the International Journal of CAD/CAM 2013)を受賞しました.

受賞者: Yulai Xie, Satoshi Kanai, and Hiroaki Date
受賞団体:Gaheon Sindoh Foundation, Society of CAD/CAM Engineers
受賞名:The Gaheon Award 2013
受賞論文名: An Efficient Simulation of Skin Contact Deformation for Virtual Ergonomic Assessments of Handheld Products

Mr. Xie (DC3), Prof. Kanai and Assoc. Prof. Date were awarded "The Gaheon Award 2013" from Gaheon Sindoh Foundation and Society of CAD/CAM Engineers for their research paper titled "An Efficient Simulation of Skin Contact Deformation for Virtual Ergonomic Assessments of Handheld Products".

修士論文発表会(Master thesis)(Feb. 12th, 2014)


  • 関佳斌「RP造型モデルによるMixed Realityを用いた情報機器開発のためのタンジブル インタラクションシステム」
  • 前濱宏樹 「パラメータサーベイ解析のための機械部品四面体メッシュの寸法駆 動変形」
  • 松山雄介「点群投影画像の特徴点マッチングに基づく複数大規模環境レーザ計測 点群の自動レジストレーション」
  • 丸山翼 「3次元as-built環境モデルとデジタルヒューマンモデルを活用した大規 模環境アクセシビリティ評価に関する基礎的研究」
  • 山岡晋也 「レーザ計測点群モデルとBIMの統合管理のためのデータモデリング と自動レジストレーション」

Five master course 2nd-degree students made presentations of their master thesis.

  • Jiabin Guan "Tangible Interaction using a RP Model for Prototyping Information Appliances with Mixed Reality"
  • Hiroki Maehama "Dimension-driven Deformation of Tetrahedral Meshes of Mechanical Parts for Parameter Survey Analysis"
  • Yusuke Matsuyama "Automatic Registration of Multiple Laser-scanned Point Clouds of Large Scale Environments based on Feature Point Matching of Point Cloud Projection Images"
  • Tsubasa Maruyama "A Basic Study on Accessibility Evaluation of Large-scale Environments utilizing 3-dimensional As-built Environment Models and Digital Human Model"
  • Shinya Yamaoka "Data Modeling and Geometry Registration for the Integrated Management of the BIM and Laser-scanned Point Clouds"

卒業論文発表会(Undergraduate thesis)(Feb. 10th, 2014)


  • 奥野洋朗「RGB-Dカメラによる屋内環境マッピングの高速化」
  • 髙部篤志「立体視と6自由度入力デバイスを用いた対話的な市街地レーザ計測点群処理システムの開発」
  • 山西伸哉「配管系統レーザ計測における最適スキャナ配置の推定に関する研究」
  • 吉村玲二「ロバストPCAを用いた市街地レーザ計測点群のセグメンテーション」

Four undergraduate students made presentations of their undergraduate thesis.

  • Hiroaki Okuno "Acceleration of Indoor Mapping using RGB-D Camera"
  • Atsushi Takabe "Development of an Interactive Processing System for Laser-scanned Point Cloud of Urban Area using Stereoscopic View and 6-DOF Input Devices"
  • Shinya Yamanishi "A Study on Optimal Scanner Position Estimation for Laser Scanning of Plant Piping System"
  • Reiji Yoshimura "Segmentation of Laser-scanned Point Cloud of Urban Area using Robust Principal Component Analysis"

成果発表(Result Presentation) (Feb. 7th, 2014)


Miss Monika reported the results of her study project. She developed a dart game using RGB-D camera.

忘年会(End-year party) (Dec. 26th, 2013)


We enjoyed eating buta-shabu-shabu (thin-sliced pork and vegetables boiled in hot soup), drinking beer, and the conversation in the end-year party of our laboratory.

受賞(Award) (Dec. 24th, 2013)


氏名: 前濱 宏樹
授与団体: (社)精密工学会
受賞名: 全国大会ベストプレゼンテーション賞
受賞講演名: 段階的ODTスムージングを用いた寸法駆動変形四面体メッシュの品質改善
受賞年月日: 2013年 9月14日

Hiroki Maehama was awarded the "Best Presentation Prize" from Japan Society for Precision Engineering for his research presentation in Sep. 14th, 2013. Congratulations!

Laser Scanning(International Conference) (Nov. 11-13th, 2013)

博士課程3年生の川島君と修士1年生の高井君が,トルコのアンタルヤで開催された国際学会Laser Scanning 2013で研究発表を行いました.

Mr. Kawashima and Mr. Takai made presentations of their researches in ISPRS Workshop Laser Scanning 2013 held at Antalya, Turkey.

Laser Scanning
ICCBEI2013(International Conference) (Nov. 7-8th, 2013)

金井教授と修士2年生の山岡君が,東京で開催された国際学会ICCBEI2013(1st International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics)で研究発表を行いました.

Prof. Kanai and Mr. Yamaoka made presentations of their researches in 1st International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics held at Tokyo.

新メンバー(New members) (Oct. 22, 2013)


Four students joined our laboratory.

新メンバー(New member)  (Oct. 1, 2013)


Miss Monika Wintergerst from Technische Universitaet Muenchen joined our laboratory.

New member
ソフトウェアデモ(Demonstration) (Sep. 13, 2013)

デルフト工科大学に留学中の修士2年丸山君が,デルフト工科大学で開催されたイベント”Design for our future”にてボートシミュレータをデモしました.シミュレータは留学先で開発したものです.

Mr. Maruyama (MC2) made a demonstration of his sailing simulator in the "Design for our Future" held at Delft University of Technology.

精密工学会秋季大会(JSPE Meeting) (Sep.12-14, 2013)


Two doctor course students and four master course students attended JSPE fall conference held at Kansai University.

インターンシップ成果発表(Presentation) (Sep. 10, 2013)


An internship student, Mr. Mineushiro made a presentation about his results of the internship, surface extraction from point clouds and registration using RANSAC.


受賞(Award) (Aug. 31, 2013)

本研究室 修士課程2年 松山雄介君が,下記の賞を受賞しました.

授与団体: 精密工学会北海道支部
受賞名: 優秀プレゼンテーション賞
受賞講演名: 大規模環境の統合点群モデルの自動生成(第二報)-点群平面投影画像群のマッチングに基づくレジストレーション-
受賞年月日: 2013年 8月31日

Yusuke Matsuyama (MC2) was awarded a "Best Presentation Prize" from Japan Society for Precision Engineering Hokkaido Branch for his research titled "Automatic generation of combined point clouds model for large scale environments" in August 31st, 2013. Congratulations!

精密工学会北海道支部会(JSPE Hokkaido Branch) (Aug. 31, 2013)


Two doctor course students and nine master course students made poster presentations of their researches at 2013 Japan Society for Precision Engineering Hokkaido branch meeting held at Kitami Institute of Technology. We got a lot of useful advice and comments related to our researches, and we drank too much in the banquet held at OKHOTSK BEER.

JSPE Hokkaido
受賞(Award) (Aug. 13th, 2013)


Ph.D student Mr. Xie was awarded a "Best Presentation Award" in Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering, for "Variational hand modeling based on image-based 3D model reconstruction" in August 13th, 2013. Congratulations!

ACDDE(International Conference) (Aug. 12-14th, 2013)


Mr. Kawashima, Mr. Xie and Mr. Maruyama made presentations of their researches in Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (2013ACDDE) held at Seoul.

新メンバー(New members) (Aug. 6, 2013)


Mr. Mineushiro from Asahikawa National College of Technology joined our laboratory as an internship student. He studies about point cloud processing.

MMS見学(Mobile Mapping System) (Aug. 05, 2013)


We looked on a mobile mapping system of Asia Air Survey Co., Ltd.

送別会(Farewell Party) (Aug. 01, 2013)


Mr. Edouard, international student from France, returned to his country. We'll see you again.

Farawell Party
点群処理専門委員会(Seminar) (July. 30, 2013)


Mr. Kawashima made a presentation about his research on the automatic recognition of piping system from laser scan data, in a seminar of the JSPE Technical Committee.

HCI International 2013(International Conference) (July. 21-26, 2013)

博士課程3年生の謝君と修士2年生の丸山君がHCI International 2013に参加し,研究発表を行いました.開催場所はLasVegasです.

Mr. Xie and Mr. Maruyama gave their research presentations in the HCI International 2013 held at LasVegas.


新メンバー(New Member) (Jul. 01st, 2013)

韓国海洋大学からMinsik Kim君がインターンシップ生として来日しました.8月下旬までの約1か月半の滞在です.

An international student, Mr. Minsik Kim from Korea Maritime University joined our laboratory. Duration of his stay is about a month and a half.

CAD13(International Conference) (Jun. 17-20th, 2013)

イタリアのベルガモで開催されたCAD13 Conference and Exhibitionに,M2の前濱君と伊達准教授が参加し,研究発表を行いました.

Mr. Maehama (MC2 ) and Associate Prof. Date made presentations of their researches about mesh modeling and point cloud data processing in CAD13 conference and exhibition held at Bergamo, Italy.


大学祭で顔スキャン(3D scan in University Festivals) (Jun. 8-9th, 2013)


We demonstrated 3D scanning of human faces in "TechToysTome2013" of the University festivals.

SparJ出展(Forum Exhibition) (Jun. 5-6th, 2013)

川崎市産業振興会館にて開催されたSPAR2013J 第9回3次元計測フォーラムにて,研究室の研究紹介とデモを行いました.写真は説明員の博士課程3年生の川島君と修士課程2年の丸山君.

We demonstrated our researches on laser scanned point cloud processing in SparJ 2013, held at Kawasaki.

受賞(Award) (May. 27th, 2013)


氏名: 関 佳斌
授与団体: (社)精密工学会
受賞名: 全国大会ベストプレゼンテーション賞
受賞講演名: 情報機器プロトタイピングのためのRP造形モデルを用いた3次元トラッキング(第1報)
受賞年月日: 2013年 3月15日

氏名: 丸山 翼
授与団体: (社)精密工学会
受賞名: 全国大会ベストプレゼンテーション賞
受賞講演名: 実環境のレーザ計測点群内における人間行動シミュレーションとそのアクセシビリティ評価への応用(第3報)
受賞年月日: 2013年 3月15日

氏名: 岩崎 匠史
授与団体: (社)精密工学会
受賞名: 全国大会ベストプレゼンテーション賞
受賞講演名: スクリュー理論を用いた多数の計測点群に対する同時レジストレーション
受賞年月日: 2013年 3月15日

Jiabin Guan, Tsubasa Maruyama, and Takafumi Iwasaki were awarded the "Best Presentation Prize" from Japan Society for Precision Engineering for their research presentation in May. 15th, 2013. Congratulations!

ジンパ(BBQ Party) (May. 24th, 2013)


We enjoyed Lab's Jinpa (BBQ Party) and the discussions continued till the next morning.

講演(Lecture) (May. 17th, 2013)


Dr. Yui Endo (a researcher in AIST, an alumnus of our lab) made a presentation about the state of the art in digital human model and its applications in the SSI seminar.


受賞(Award) (May. 3rd, 2013)


Associate Prof. Date was awarded a "Best Presentation Award" from Mobile Mapping Technology 2013 committee, for "Segmentation of MMS Point Clouds of Urban Area based on Principal Component Analysis" in May 3rd, 2012.

MMT2013(International Conference) (May. 1st, 2013)

伊達准教授が,台湾の台南市で開催された国際学会Mobile Mapping Technology 2013で,レーザ計測点群のセグメンテーションに関数する研究発表を行いました.

Associate Prof. Date made presentations of their research about point clouds segmentation in Mobile Mapping Technology 2013 (MMT2013) held at Tai-nan, Taiwan.

新メンバー(New members) (Apr. 1st, 2013)

天野君,江戸君(はこだて未来大出身),高井君,新田君,畠山君の5名が新修士1年生として研究室に配属となりました.岩崎君が日立連携講座に配属になりました.また,フランスからEdouard FARHAT君が特別聴講学生として来日しました.

Five master course students and one international student from France joined our laboratory.