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Digital Geometry Processing Lab.

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2020年度 イベント Events

追いコン (Farewell Party)  (Mar. 23rd, 2021)

We had the online farewell party for Mr.Moritani, Mr. Akutsu, Mr. Ishikawa, Mr. Imai, Mr. Tsuruga.

精密春季大会 (JSPE Meeting)  (Mar. 16th, 2021)

Two doctor course students, six master course students attended the JSPE spring meeting online. We wolud like to thank audiences for many valuable questions and comments.

修論発表会 (Master Thesis Presenatation)  (Feb. 9th, 2021)

Three master course students made online presentations of their master's thesis.

卒論発表会 (Undergraduate Thesis Presentation)  (Feb. 8th, 2021)

Three undergraduate studens made face-to-face presentations of their graduation thesis.

森谷君博士論文公聴会 (Dissertation Defense)  (Jan. 22nd, 2021)
森谷亮太 "大規模構造物に対する3次元現況反映型モデル生成のための高精度モデリング手法と最適撮影計画手法の開発"

A dissertation defense of a doctor course student, Mr. Moritani was held. He explained a lot of meaningful results of his research.
・Ryota Moritani "Development of high-precision modeling and optimum view planning method for 3D as-is reconstruction of large-scale structure."

新メンバー歓迎会・忘年会 (Welcome party and Year-end party)  (Dec. 27th, 2020)

Welcome party for new students & Year-end party was held online using Zoom.

ICPE (International Conference)  (Nov. 23rd-27th, 2020)
MC2今井君とMC1坪岡君が,オンラインでの動画掲載により行われたICPE2020(International Conference on Precision Engineering)に参加して,研究発表を行いました.

Mr. Imai (MC2) and Mr. Tsubooka (MC1) made online video presentations of their reasearches at ICPE2020.

ISARC (International Conference)  (Oct. 27, 28th, 2020)

Mr. Moritani (DC3) made a research presentation at ISARC online.

精密工学会北海道支部大会 (JSPE Hokkaido Branch)  (Oct. 24the, 2020)

Two doctor course students and six master course students made presentations of their researches at 2020 Japan Society for Precision Engineering Hokkaido branch meeting online.

新メンバー (New members)  (Oct. 1st, 2020)

Four new young students joined our laboratory.

SPARJ (Forum Exhibition)  (Sep. 28,29th, 2020)
今年はオンラインにて開催されたSPAR2020J 第16回3次元計測フォーラムにて,研究室の研究紹介を動画で行いました.

Our researches were introduced by a video at SparJ 2020 online.

ISPRS CONGRESS (International Conference)  (Aug. 31st - Sep. 2nd, 2020)

森谷君,本間さん,伊達准教授の3名が参加予定であったISPRS CONGRESSは延期となり,ボランティアによるオンライン研究発表イベントがありました.森谷君が動画で研究紹介を行いました.

ISPRS Congress to which Mr.Moritani, Mr. Honma, Prof. Date were planning to attend was postoponed and online event by volunteers was held. Mr. Moritani introduced his reasearch by an online video.

大学院入試 (Graduate school entrance exam)  (Aug. 20th, 21st, 2020)

Ms.Soutome and Mr.Yokomori take graduate school entrance exam and both passed!

CAD 20 (International Conference)  (Jun. 6th-8th, 2020)


Mr. Takashima(DC3) and Mr. Ishikawa(MC2) made presentations at CAD'20 online.

卒論テーマ決定 (Thesis Themes)  (Jun. 6th, 2020)

Themes of theses for three undergraduate studens were determined. Do your best for excellent achievements!

新メンバ (New members)  (Apr. 1st, 2020)

大野君,下はざ君,坪岡君の3名が新修士1年生として研究室に配属となりました.また,許 雅俊君が博士課程1年生として加わりました.

Three master course students and one doctor course student joined our laboratory.