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Digital Geometry Processing Lab.

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2022年度 イベント Events

受賞  (Awards)  (Mar. 23rd, 2023)


Ms. Soutome were awarded "The Director's (Gakuin-cyo) Award" for her achievements. Congratulations!

卒業・修了式  (Graduation ceremony)  (Mar. 23rd, 2023)


One doctor course student, four master course students and four undergraduates completed their degrees. Congratulations!


精密春季大会 (JSPE Meeting)  (Mar. 15th, 2023)

One doctor course student and six master course students attended the JSPE spring meeting held at Tokyo University of Science. We wolud like to thank audiences for many valuable questions and comments.

修士論文発表会  (Master thesis)(Feb. 10th, 2023)


  • 横森 壮喜「TLS点群の誤差楕円体を用いた点群位置合わせの高精度化に関する研究」
  • 五月女 絢音「3次元ボディスキャン・メッシュモーフィング・統計形状モデルを用いた個人適合人体モデルの生成」

Two master course 2nd-degree students made presentations of their master thesis.

  • Soki Yokomori "A Study on Accuracy Improvement of TLS Point Cloud Registration Using Error Ellipsoidal Model"
  • Ayane Soutome "Personally-adapted Human Body Model Generation based on 3D Body Scanning, Mesh Morphing and Statistical Shape Model"
master thesis

卒業論文発表会  (Undergraduate thesis)(Feb. 8th, 2023)


  • 安藤 啓吾「大規模点群MR表示の視認性向上に関する研究」
  • 小山 大輝「エンベロープ制約付き陰関数曲面再構成を用いた環境計測点群に対する三角形メッシュ生成」
  • 中田 蓮「自由曲面を含むソリッドモデル上からの対称領域抽出」
  • 八木 理紗子「SfM/MVSを用いた堆雪部3次元測定技術の開発」

Four undergraduate students made presentations of their undergraduate thesis.
  • Keigo Ando "A Study of Visibility Improvement for Mixed Reality Visualization of Large-Scale Point Clouds"
  • Daiki Koyama "Triangular mesh generation from scanned point clouds of environments using implicit surface reconstruction with envelope constraints"
  • Ren Nakata "Symmetric region extraction from solid models including free-form surfaces"
  • Risako Yagi "Development of 3D measurement technique for snow covered areas using Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo"

博士論文公聴会  (Dissertation Defense) (Jan. 27th, 2023)


  • 許 雅俊(Xu Yajun) "A study on stacked object recognition and stacking operation planning combining 3D point cloud representation, deep-learning, and physics engine" (3次元点群表現, 深層学習および物理エンジンを用いた積み上げ物体認識と積み上げ作業計画に関する研究)"

A dissertation defense of a doctor course student, Mr. Xu was held. He explained a lot of meaningful results of his research.

  • Xu Yajun "A study on stacked object recognition and stacking operation planning combining 3D point cloud representation, deep-learning, and physics engine"

フォーラム展示 (Award) (Dec. 19th, 2022)


Mr. Goto, Yoshida and Assoc. Professor Date were attended Spar2022J held at Tokyo and made poster presentation and software demonstrations.

受賞 (Award) (Nov. 30th, 2022)


氏名:Ayane Soutome
授与団体: The 19th International Conference on Precision Engineering
受賞理由: 「Presonally Adapted Human Body Model Generation Based on 3D Body Scanning, Mesh Morphing, and Statistical Shape Model」
受賞年月日: 2022年11月30日

Ms. Soutome was awarded a "Best Poster Award" from The 19th International Conference on Precision Engineering. Congratulations!!

ICPE (international conference)  (Nov. 29th, 2022)

奈良コンベンションセンターで開催されたICPE(International Conference on Precision Engineering)に,修士2年の五月女さん,横森君,修士1年の守屋君,吉田君,が参加し,研究発表を行いました.

Four master course studends attended the 19th international conference on precision engineering and made presentations of their researches.


新メンバー (New members)  (Oct. 21st, 2022)

Four new young students joined our laboratory.

新メンバー (New members)  (Oct. 11th, 2022)

Two foreign students joined our laboratory.

精密秋季大会 (JSPE Meeting)  (Sep. 9th, 2022)

Two master course students attended the JSPE spring meeting online (Zoom live). We wolud like to thank audiences for many valuable questions and comments.
jspe fall

受賞 (Award) (Aug. 27th, 2022)


氏名:守屋 遼輔
授与団体: 精密工学会北海道支部
受賞名: 2022年度精密工学会北海道支部 優秀プレゼンテーション賞
受賞講演名: グラフニューラルネットワークを用いた境界表現CADモデルからの形状特徴認識の研究
受賞年月日: 2022年8月27日

Mr. Moriya (MC1) was awarded a "Best Presentation Prize" from Japan Society for Precision Engineering Hokkaido Branch for their research in Aug. 27th, 2022. Congratulations!


精密工学会北海道支部学術講演会 (JSPE Hokkaido Branch)  (August 27th, 2022)


One doctor course student and six master course students made poster presentations of their researches at 2022 Japan Society for Precision Engineering Hokkaido branch meeting held in Hakodate. We would like to thank for the valuable comments and discussions!

jspe hokkaido

受賞 (Award) (July 13th, 2022)


氏名:Ayane Soutome, Satoshi Kanai, Hiroaki Date, Hideki Sudo, Terufumi Kokabu, Yuichiro Abe, Hiroshi Moridaira, and Hiroshi Taneichi
授与団体: 19th Annual International CAD Conference
受賞名: CAD'22 Bset Paper Award
受賞理由: 「Shape Similarity Analysis and Standardization for Pre-bent Rod Design for Spinal Deformity Correction」
受賞年月日: 2022年6月13日

Ms. Soutome was awarded a "Best Conference Paper Award" from 19th Annual International CAD Conference. Congratulations!!

CAD22 (International Conference)  (July 13th, 2022)


Ms. Soutome(MC2) made an online presentation in CAD'22 online.

科学技術英語演習 (Exercise in Technical English) (Jul. 6th, 2022)

4年生がコースの演習”科学技術英語演習”の発表会で,自身の研究について英語で口頭発表を行いました.また,小山君がExcellent Presentation Award -SILVER-を受賞しました.

Undergraduate students made oral presentation of their researches in English. Mr. Koyama was awarded "Excellent Presentation Award -SILVER-".

ISPRS CONGRESS(International Conference) (Jun. 6th-11th, 2022)
大野君が国際会議”ISPRS CONGRESS 2022”で点群MR表示による計測支援システムのオンライン発表(オンデマンド発表)を行いました.

Mr. Ohno made a online presentation (video presentation) of his research on laser-scanning support system based on point cloud MR-visualization in ISPRS CONGRESS.

受賞 (Award) (Jun. 1st, 2022)


氏名:大野 健太
授与団体: 公益社団法人精密工学会
受賞名: 2022年度春季大会ベストプレゼンテーション賞
受賞理由: 「環境3次元レーザ計測支援のための点群重畳表示に関する研究 - MRデバイスを用いた点群品質表示の重畳誤差補正と大規模点群への適用 -」
受賞年月日: 2022年3月15日

Mr. Ohno was awarded "The Best Presentation Award" from The Japan Society of Precision Engineering. Congratulations!!

受賞 (Award) (May. 19th, 2022)


氏名:本間 亮平
授与団体: 一般社団法人日本写真測量学会
受賞名: 日本写真測量学会 学会奨励賞
受賞理由: 「スキャンラインの湾曲度評価に基づくMMS取得点群からの車道境界線抽出」
受賞年月日: 2022年5月19日

Mr. Honma was awarded "The Encouragement Award" from The Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Congratulations!!

卒論テーマ決定 (Thesis Themes)  (May. 9th, 2022)

Themes of theses for four undergraduate students were determined. Do your best for excellent achievements!

新メンバ (New members)  (Apr. 1st, 2022)


Four master course students joined our laboratory.